Bass fishermen can experience something new, if they choose to, next weekend on Nolin River Lake.
Instead of fishing from a bank or on a boat, a kayak bass fishing tournament — the U.S.A. Bassin Jackson Kayak Series Kayaks and More Tri Lake Division — is scheduled for Saturday, June 17.
Kayaks and More in Bee Spring is the host.
“The biggest differences from a boat tournament would be the method of catch and release immediately from a kayak,” said Tim Howard, a kayak fisherman. “Boats will sometimes hold fish the entire day in a livewell. We photograph the fish then submit the fish through the tourneyx app as they are caught instead of bringing them back at the end of the day. “We don’t keep any fish that are caught in livewells or baskets,” he added. “We photograph the fish on a ketchboard (measuring…