The giant hammerhead shark weighed more than 1,000 pounds. Courtesy of Glenn Laskowski Jr.
Veteran surf fisherman Glenn Laskowski Jr. and his buddy JR had their hands full on May 5, when they hooked a beast of a shark from shore on the South Texas coast. The two anglers were fishing from JP Luby Beach on the gulf side of Padre Island, a large barrier island that separates the Gulf of Mexico from Laguna Madre. They hooked the roughly 14-foot, 4-inch hammerhead using heavy-duty tackle and a 24/0 hook baited with a 20-pound cownose stingray. The shark weighed roughly 1,054 pounds, according to the scale the men used at the public pier.
“It was a battle back and forth for almost an hour and 30 minutes,” Laskowski told KIII-TV News in Corpus Christi. “We finally were able to land the fish and get to see the true size of the monster. We quickly dehooked the fish, and got some quick pictures then went to release the…