Thomas Farchione of Waterford, Wisconsin, caught a world record redear sunfish on Tuesday, May 4, from Arizona’s Lake Havasu. Farchione and a group of buddies were fishing an area of the lake called California Bay, when Farchione felt a tug on the line that rivaled that of a good-size bass. His pending world-record sunfish weighed in at 6.3 pounds and was 17 inches long with a girth of 20 inches.
Lake Havasu is a 19,300-acre reservoir in western Arizona that was created in the 1930s by damning the Colorado River. The lake is now well-known for its bass fishing and has also developed a reputation in recent years for big redears.
Farchione’s fish smashed the previous world record, which weighed 5.78 pounds. That fish was also caught at Lake Havasu back in 2014. Redear sunfish, which are also known as Georgia bream and sun perch, are native to the Southeast U.S. and closely resemble bluegills. According to fossil records, the species dates back to at least 16.3…