Nine-year-old Maiya Yunk of Algoma and her charter-captain dad, Tyler, show off a trophy Chinook salmon Maiya reeled in Monday close to shore on Lake Michigan at Algoma. Some spawn-minded kings have already entered lakeshore rivers and creeks. More will join them during the coming week, with coho salmon and brown trout to follow. Photo courtesy of Tyler Yunk.
The numbers may be revealed during the Sept. 28 NRB meeting
by KEVIN NAZE, Peninsula Pulse contributor, [email protected]
Don’t be surprised if wolf-management opponents are howling during the Sept. 28 state Natural Resources Board meeting in Ashland.
In an agenda that’s heavy with air-quality, waste-management and water issues, the most press will likely come after an information item from Randy Johnson, a large-carnivore specialist with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR).
More than six months after the agency wrapped up its 2021-22 winter wolf-tracking effort, Johnson could reveal…