Well before daybreak on June 8, anglers Bill Proulx and Ed Pyle eased away from Four Mile River Marina near Lyme, Connecticut. They returned to the dock that evening with a heavy summer flounder (locally known as a “fluke”) that put Proulx’s name in the state’s saltwater fishing records book. The 15-plus-pound fish beat out the previous state record by a little under a pound.
Proulx, a retired police officer in his 60s, was at the wheel of his Parker boat that morning as they headed into Long Island Sound. A well-traveled angler, freediver, and the father of a local charter captain, Proulx fishes religiously for flounder. He headed about a mile offshore to a spot where he knew fish would be spawning, and they started jigging over a sand bottom in roughly 80 feet of water.
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They caught a limit of sea bass and some large flounder over the course of the day. One…