I picked up the Ascend 133X Tournament Kayak in an Ultimate Freshwater Fishing Package that was offered by Bass Pro during their Spring Classic sale. You can still find the Saltwater Ultimate Fishing Package which is similar but has the Saltwater version of the Motorguide Xi3 Trolling Motor; I have the black Freshwater version. It’s the same package I received except with the Bass Pro Lithium battery and the Garmin 7-inch unit. They also offer a Freshwater Fishing Package with no battery, and a smaller basic fish finder for about $1,000 less. It is still a great package but for the sake of this review I will focus on the features of the Ascend 133x Tournament Kayak and also talk about some of the things I liked and didn’t like about the package add-ons with this kayak.
There is a lot to like about the Ascend 133X Tournament Kayak and there are some things that will take a little getting used to. A few of the…