If you’re a fan of professional bass fishing, I’m certain you’re well aware of the massive changes that have occurred in the past few years. A lot of the household names with which we grew up in the B.A.S.S. organization decided to fish a new tournament trail called Major League Fishing (MLF). This certainly divided fishing fans and, in some way, altered the industry itself.
I think competition is an excellent thing in any industry. Competition creates both innovation and change which are both needed to advance this sport. This competition, however, has created some interesting storylines and made professional bass fishing pretty darn interesting to follow.
Both organizations are stocked with stellar anglers and good people; I don’t think anyone can argue against that. You’ll find a lot of the grizzled veterans fishing the Major League Fishing Bass Pro Tour Events. On the Elite Series, you’re going to find a bunch of young studs that eat, sleep and…