South Jacksonville trustees are scheduled to meet in regular session at 7 p.m. today in Village Hall, 301 Dewey Drive.
Among the items on the agenda are:
- Discussion with Mike Baietto, general manager of Lamar, about digital signs and possible conversion of the village billboard
- Discussion and proposal for adoption of employee manual
- Presentation of 2019 valuation of existing water rates for information
- Adoption of ordinance declaring surplus revenue
- Ordinance for regulating solar energy systems
- Resignation of Police Officer Anley Gerdes and hiring of Hannah Gaines as part-time officer
- Approval of purchase of batteries for fans for fire department, not to exceed $4,400
- Approval of purchase of used police vehicle not to exceed $15,000
- Approval of purchase of 10 sections of 5-inch water hose for fire department not to exceed…