On April 24th 2010, the Night Stalker Association we will be having their 12th Annual NSA Bass Fishing Tournament. All the money raised in this tournament goes directly to the Nightstalker Association Fund for Children with Terminally Ill Diseases and the Night Stalker Foundation for Children of Fallen Night Stalkers Scholarship Fund.
The tournament is run solely by volunteers and is supported by numerous donations by individuals and companies. This event started in 1998 when a Soldier in the 160th Aviation Life Support Equipment (ALSE) shop with a terminally ill child had a financial need during an unimaginably trying time in his Family’s life.
Last year’s event saw over 160 registered teams and over 800 people who gathered either to fish or to support the Night Stalker Association and the Tournament. It is their hope that this year’s event will far surpass that of last year in both participation and donations.
Come on out and have a great time and support a great cause!…