There is something that drives us to be better than everyone else! I guess you could call it “competitive nature.” Whether that is to out preform someone in sports, or to eat more hotdogs, or just to get the best parking spot in the lot!
In hunting, we see “trophy hunters” who target big deer (or other game). They will pass up smaller deer, sometimes watching, waiting and studying a big buck for years before actually pulling the trigger or bow string.
For anglers, it is getting their name in the “record book.”
I have done stories on anglers that have really geared their fishing to catching big fish of a certain species. Some anglers at Lake Ellsworth specifically go after big blue catfish by upscaling their rods, reels and baits, then targeting areas of the lake that provide deeper water and good habitat for the big fish. Catching fish in the 50-60 pound range is common for these anglers, and every once-in-a-while, they hook into a real…