Newly-minted Police Chief Eric Lyons loves to hunt and fish in his spare time and even held a local fishing record once.
“I love bass fishing,” said Lyons, Philadelphia’s new police chief.
There is a 12-pound bass mounted on his wall at home he caught at Neshoba Lake in March 2009 that was the record at the time.
“I don’t think that record still stands, but it was then,” he said.
Lyons, named chief of police unanimously on Feb. 23 by the Mayor and Board of Alderman, is not new to Philadelphia or to the police force.
Lyons was born, raised and educated in Philadelphia, having graduated from Philadelphia High School in 2004.
After graduating, Lyons worked a couple of years before deciding to become a police officer and joining the Philadelphia Police Department where he has served for more than 14 years, first as a patrolman and later as a DUI officer and…