Events are planned in Pollock to raise money for clean-up and the village’s Sesquicentennial event.
Registration for a fishing tournament will be at the Pollock Area Community Center on April 15th from 6 to 7 p.m. Participants can fish where they want and check in fish at the community center on April 16th from 4 to 5 p.m. The entry fee for a three-member team is $150 with an extra $10 for the biggest bass. First place will receive 30%, second place 20%, and third place 10%.
A cornhole tournament and fish fry will be at the Pollock Community Center on April 23rd. Registration for the cornhole tournament will start at 11 a,m. and play will begin at 12:30. Doubles will cost $50 per team, and singles will be $25 per player. A blind draw will be $10 per player. There will be a 30% total payout in each event for the top three winners.
Concessions will be available and those attending may eat and pay what they want for the fish fry that starts at 5 p.m.
More information on April…