Editor’s Note: Here’s a great story from Bruce Kuhn about his cabezon record that still holds today. Bruce worked two years for the Santa Monica Harbor Patrol prior to moving to the Los Angeles County Harbor Patrol… He graduated from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Academy in 1964. He has been involved with fishing and the science of fishing for many decades. Here is one of his many stories and one for the record books!
It was the spring of 1958 and I was just a few weeks from graduating from Loyola High School in Los Angeles. It was finals and I was tired of hitting the books so I decided to take a day off and relax fishing.
For years I had been fishing on the all-day boat Indiana out of Ocean Park Pier and Oren Winfield had been the captain forever. When the Ocean Park Pier closed, all the boats from Ocean Park Pier moved to Santa Monica Sportfishing at the Santa Monica Pier.