The team of Mason McCormick and Alexis Virgillito fished the Louisiana High School Bass Nation Caney Lake “Hawgfest” on Saturday, March 19, 2023 and caught what appears to be the heaviest stringer ever caught in a high school fishing tournament. Their catch of five largemouth bass weighed 37.13 pounds and their big fish was 9.22 pounds. Their catch was so good it beat an impressive second place catch of 23.97 pounds by a whopping 13 pounds. The team was captained by Bradley Virgillito. To our knowledge this is the biggest string ever weighed in a high school bass fishing tournament.
“I can’t say enough about the young man Ben [Mason’s father] has raised. Mason goes above and beyond to try to teach Alexis. Today my heart was melting because of that. They found one on a bed and Mason would not even cast to make sure she caught it. That process took almost an hour but he was patient and so was she….